And The Days Go By......Like A Strand In The Wind
It's Saturday Night, May 31,2002. If You Have Decided To Stay In For The Evening, Do Yourself A Favor. Tune Into SHOWTIME Tonight at 9pm (est) To Watch The SOLDIER'S GIRL.
Based On A True Story. 21 Year Old, Pvt. 1st Class, Barry Winchell, Was Beaten To Death By Two Of His Fellow Soldier's.
Why? For Falling In Love With A Transexual, Calpernia Sarah Addams. Finally Able To Share Her Story,This Movie Will Prove That Ignorance Is NOT Bliss. It's Time To Turn Hate......Into Healing.
MY QUESTIONS TO SAMANTHA FOX HAVE BEEN ANSWERED BY THE FOX HERSELF AND PUBLISHED IN ENGLANDS VERY OWN "THE SUN". I AM SOO HONORED. (If anyone can get me a copy of the actual paper, i will be forever grateful)
A few posts ago, i told everyone how the british newspaper, THE SUN, asked fans of Samantha Fox to send email questions as she would be stopping by to answer some of them. Well, I did just that. I cheated, I will tell you now, i sent in TWO questions, Both from different email accounts. LOL. One contained my real name which is Harry and the other my nickname given to me by my father as a child, Ronnie. I cheated ONLY because i didn't think they would take two questions from one user. AND I don't wanna hear no shit about it cause i do what i have to do to get what I want. LOL. (Well, almost anything)
Well, out of many many entrys, Sam chose BOTH of mine. YEAH!!! Check it out. Btw: Samantha Says "Hi" to all her Gay "FOXY" fans.
Here are the questions and answers, incase link will not load
Many female performers, especially those with iconic status, examples being Madonna, Janet Jackson, Stevie Nicks, and yourself have legions of gay male followings. What are your views on that and why do you think that is?
Harry Spady, an American fan
I think a lot of gay men like women who are very strong-minded. Women like us never give up. Hello to all my gay fans and thanks for all your support.
Firstly, I want to let you know that America still loves you and your music. The music you release today truly showcases your talent as a singer, songwriter and producer.
Are you still planning to release your autobiography. And was there any part of your career you wish you could change? Any regrets?
I’m working on the autobiography right now and hope to release it around Christmas time. I’m really glad to say I have no regrets. I've had a wonderful life.
Ex Hollywood Leading Man, Richard Chamberlain, Comes Out Of The Closet
Today, as i was doing some cleaning, I began thinking about past relationships/EX's. Right now, I can honestly say, that I am actually IN LOVE. Mark, is a great man. Mark is a very private man. He doen't care for many to know the "what abouts" of his professional or personal life. He is very quiet, and extremly romantic. He and I are very different in many aspects, but that is actually what makes us "click", makes us compatiable, if you will, and also why I do love him.
He has no qualms about this whole "Blogging" thing. He just asks that I never speak about anything Private between him and I. He also, doesnot want me to include his photo or any photo's of us together in my Yahoo profile. Just incase, anyone from near here should stumble upon my site and links and find him "out", if you know what i mean. His Practice and privacy are very important to him and i respect that.
Looking back on all my Ex's, I was trying to think what infact, made me attracted to them at all. I tried to think if there could be any similaraties between them. I could think of none. There are some, looking back now, that i wonder what the hell was I even thinking. I didn't even care for them as a person, they weren't attractive and they were mostly selfish individuals.
Stephen will always be my one special EX. That one that you find, still has deep roots attached to you, your soul and your thoughts. Strikingly handsome, deeply caring an all around great guy. Whoever, catches him will have one great guy on their hands and will be extremely lucky. He and I talk all the time now. Which is so great. He is a great friend and I am very comfortable in admitting that all of the problems that happened while we were together, and the demise of our relationship, was totally 100% my fault. I should be very thankful that he is even still speaking to me.......and I do thank him. I thank him everyday for giving me, as a person, a second chance.
If my life had not been so consumed with my wanting to get a "Fix" all the time and other ways of living, I would still be with Stephen today, i think. BUT, everything works out for a reason. Had all that stuff not happened to me, i would not be who I am today and i would have never met Mark.
I have no idea why I am even blogging about this. I was just thinking off the top of my head. i wont bore you anymore. Go visit Leah, Re', Jo or Nathan, or Coyote. Be sure to them then that Ronnie sent ya.
Today is the first day that I am actually feeling better since the "Dental Expierement." Not as painful as i thought it would have been. Still, just the thought of a dentist frightens the shit out of me.
Plus, these Non-Addictive Pain Pills That he prescribed for me work extremely well. I was surprised,actually, at how well. They don't give you a "BUZZ" at all but work directly on the pain. The two front teeth are were I was expierencing the most pain afterwards. I should say that getting your teeth capped is NOT a procedure I would recommend. But, since I have started this, i have to finish it. They will be "Pearly White" for a very long time. But, why self induce pain? Why submit to yourself the torture of NOT being able to chow down onto a Meat Ball Sub for a few days? Here, I find myself consuming jars of GERBER BABY FOOD instead,. The Cobbler isn't all that bad actually. LOL.
To anyone who has not jumped over to say "Hello" To Leah at
BRAIN FREEZE do so today.
You Will have the best time reading her entrys. Todays entry is all about "Coyotes Angels". A Take off of the Famed CHARLIES ANGELS and a reference to our hunky straight guy blogger friend
Each one of her BLOGGER friends has been given a role to play in the action packed drama. Yes, even yours truly.
Thanks Leah, you rock. and on a personal note,: I Have been meaning to congratulate you on one year of being cancer free. It's so good to know that GOD, or GODESS, does in fact, leave true "ANGELS" here on earth for us to know and enjoy. (Smile)
I some how doubt we will ever see the infamous gay porn star, Jeff Stryker, perform his song "Pop You In The Pooter" on the stage of The Grand Old Opry.
Jeff Stryker, with his nine inch........ummmm....(blushing).....ok already.....Cock, is now pursuing a career in Country Music. I have heard some of these songs, I am embarrassed to say, and he is infact, awful.
He is still hot as ever
. Though I would not pay to see him perform his music, i would co-star in a porn flick for free with him, anytime, anywhere. But,seriously, what any red blooded gay bottom male would not?
Here is a link, if you would like to book Jeff to sing at any function you may be having. WARNING: Clink Link At Your Own Risk. BOOK JEFF STRYKER FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY
Stevie Trivia: Kissed Him With Her Wing...........One Touch And The Promise Was Made
Stevie Trivia: What Is Just Is No More To Imply.....This Simple Thought Repeating
Just A Note To Let Everyone Know That, I May Not Be Doing Alot Of Blogging For A Few Days Begining Tomorrow. I Am Going In To Have A Bit Of Dental Cosmetic/ Surgery Performed. I Should Be REAL Fun To Be Around. Wish Mark Well Would Ya. LOL
BLOGGER Has Decided To Not Allow Any Links Load Onto My Home Page For Whatever Reason
What Animated Character Am I From The Justice League (A.K.A. Super Friends) ?
You got Hawk Girl!
Damn, do you wreak some havok with that mace.
Policewoman or not, you play by your own rules,
and posess an inate ability to fool anyone stupid enough to get on
your bad side. Quite content to smash and
destroy to get to where you want to be, maybe
you oughta take a little more notice of people
around you
And keep an eye on Flash- he's more than likely up
to something.
Stevie Trivia: Yeah You're The Dark Angel.........It Don't Show When You Break Up
"You Have Such A Pretty Face....IF Only You Would Lose A Few Pounds." To Me Personally, I Always Took This Retrot As An Insult. Basically, Your Ugly Ass Is Telling Me That I Am Too Fat. Well Fuck You.
I Would Always Respond Sweetly "Well...Thank You....I Wish I Could Find SOMETHING Nice To Say To You As Well...But As Of Yet, Nothing Seems To Be Jumping Right Out At Me." (Always Ending That With A Smile). I Can't Forget That Southern Hospitality My Momma Instilled In Me.
Entering Into A "Scene' Of Anything Is Never Easy For Anyone I Think. You Will Find Those Who Enjoy You And Then You Will Find Those Who Do Not. I Always Had "Tough Skin", If You Will, I Never Let Any Of That Shit Get To Me. Growing Up With Nine HillBillie Uncles And Fourteen Male Cousins, Certainly Made Me Tough. I Had No Choice. It Was "Be Tough, Or Get Your Feelings Hurt".
Many Of You May Think That If Would Have Been Simplier To Just "Turn The Other Cheeck" Whenever They Picked On Or Ridiculed Me. But You Have No Idea. That Shit Would Not Have Worked For Love Nor Money. If You Didn't Respond Back To Them Bitches, Hell, You Might As Well Take Off Running For The Hills. Cause, Then They Think You Are Ignoring Them. Which Is The Worst Thing Of All You Could Do.
I Am Serious When I Describe My Extended Family, On My Fathers Side, These Hateful Bitches Are Straight Out Of The Movie "DELIVERANCE". (A 70's Movie Starring Ned Beatty, Where Him And Some Friends Are Vacationing Up In The Hills Of West Virginia, And Their Vacation Turns To A Nightmare After Being Kidnapped By Crazy Red Necks And Ned Beatty Is Forced To Run Around In His Underwear And Squeal Like A Pig).
Myself And My Cousin Angel, Were Always The Tightest. We Were The Closest In Age, Looked Nearly Identical, And We Were The "Heavy Duty's" Of The Family. We Liked To Eat, And Our Uncles And Cousins Would Remind Us Of This Every Sunday When The Entire Family Met Down At My Fathers Mothers House For Lunch/Dinner. I Would Have Sooner Thrown A Blood Clot, Or Passed A Kidney Stone Than Be Made To Go. But, I Had No Choice. It Was Always The Same Thing. Playing Football Outside While Dinner Was Being Prepared, My Grandfather And Some Of My Uncles Would Be Under This Huge Tree, Singing And PLaying Music. They Would Ask me To Come Sing A Few Songs, Give Me A Knickel, Then Send Me Back To Play With The Rest Of The KLAN
Angel And I Had To Stick Together, Cause When It Came Time To Choose Teams, Everybody Would Be Picked And There Her And I Would Be Standing Left Over. No One Wanting Us On Their Team. This Use To Really Upset Angel, I Remember. She Would Cry, Literally BEG TO Be Allowed On A Team. NOT MY FAT ASS. I Don't Beg For Shit. Never Have.....Never Will. My Momma Taught Me Early On, That You Do Not Have To Beg Another Human Being For Nothing. If You Feel That It Is Rightfully Due To You. Don't Beg. Fight For It. Go Tooth And Nail. No One Human Being Is Any Better Than The Other, Regardless Of What They May "Think" That They Have......So There Was No Way in Hell I Was Going To Compromise My Integrity, Or Go Against My Mommas Teachings, And Beg To These Dumb Bitches.
I Had A Different Approach. I Thought "IF These Bitches Want War....War Is What They Will Get."
While Angel Would Sit On The Side line Crying or Begging, I Marched My Fat Ass Right Out On The Middle Of Their Playing Field And Sat My FAT ASS DOWN. PLOMP!!!!!! I Looked At Them And Would Say "NOW WHAT? Bring It On......I Have Had All The Shit I Am Taking From You, Whatcha Gonna Do? What?" When My Girl,Angel,Saw Me Taking A Stand, She Joined Me. She Knew I Had Her Back....And She Also Knew Me Well Enough To Know, That When I Have Had Enough. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. I Will Fuck A Bitch Up Or Die Trying. I Go For Mother Fuckin" Blood. And As Far As I Was Concerened That Day, These HIllbilly's Time's Of Torture Were Up. There Was A New Sheriff In Town.
Stevie Trivia: And I Never Put You In Any Danger.....And I Know That You've Known That All Along
I Met Re' Through My Web Site. She Emailed Me And Told Me How Much She Enjoyed My Site. We Have Become Good Online Friends And I Think She Is Super. Please Visit Her New Blog Site And Support Her.
And Re'...If You Need Any Help Or Have Any Questions That I Can Answer, You Just Let Me Know. I Will Be Only More Than Happy To Assist Ya.. Welcome To THE BLOG WORLD Girlfriend.
Also, At The Moment, Blogger Is Still Being A Pain In The Ass And Not Allowing Me Acess To The Template Area To My Blog. When They Do, You Can Be Sure I Will Add Your Direct Link On The Right Upper Corner Of My Home Page. I Wish They Hired People Who Could ACTUALLY FIX THINGS, Instead Of Whatever Reason It Is That The Hired These Flunky's.
You Give Gays....A Bad Name.
Recently When I Entered Into Chris Cagle (A WOOFY Country Music Artist) Chat Site, I Was Disturbed To See Some Fellow Homosexuals Talking About Chris Negatively. They Were Claiming That He, Chris Cagle, Was A Homosexual. Their Defense: That He Was TOO Good Looking.
Give Me A Fuckin' Break. I Know Plenty Of UGLY Gay People, So How Could This Be A Basis?
Now, I Would Like To Think That He Plays For Our Team, But How Could Anyone Think That Some One Leads An Alternative Lifestyle Just Because They Are Handsome OR May Happen To Be Gay Friendly?
This Is Why MANY Straight Guys Hate Us. Because They Can Not Even Attempt To Become Our Friends With Out Us Trying To Change Them Or Talk Shit About Them.
Just So You Straight Guys Know... Not All Homosexuals Are This Way. Atleast I'm Not Anyway
A Lesson From Camryn Manheim, From Televisions THE PRACTICE, Fame.
"We Are Accustomed To Men Seeking The Trophy Girl, The Beautiful Ornament He Can Carry On His Arm. And While I Hope That Most Would View This As Shallow And Transparent, It Is Still A Widely Accepted Practice, When A Man Specifically Seeks A Large Woman, However, He Is Viewed As Strangely Deviant With A Fetsish For Fat. I Argue That They Are Equally Dehumanizing. It's Fine To Like Buxom Women Or Thin Women-----We All Have Our Preferences-----But When You Seek A Physical Type With Total Disregard For Individual Character, You Might As Well Be Seeking A Specifically Proportioned Mannequin"..........Cameryn Manheim (Excerpted From Her Best Selling Book Entitled WAKE UP, I'M FAT! Copyright 1999 Big Whoop, Inc).
Was It The Lap Dance They Didn't Like?
Stripper gets hurled through a window, landing atop an air-conditoner decompressor in back yard, after a fight with boyfriend. My question......Unfortuanately, abuse of this nature happens frequently. Does being a STRIPPER make THIS news worthy? What about a house wife, raising 3 children...she is just as, if not more, news worthy when such an act happens.
Stevie Nicks Birthday Is Today. Hop On Over To The Nicks Fix And Wish Happy Birthday. I Also Would LIke To Wish Everyone A Very Happy Memorial Day. Here's To Peace.
"Go Stevie, Go Stevie, It's Your Birthday.....Get Busy."
On A Personal Note: Maybe I Do Carry This Loving Stevie Nicks Thing To Far At Times. When I Did Work (I'm A House Husband Now) I Requested EVERY May 26th Off To Celebrate Her Birthday.
Stevie Trivia: I Can't Feel Bad About The Way I Am
Here Is A Little Known Fact That I Never Knew.
On June 22, 1969, The Day That Judy Garland Passed Away, There Was An Actual Tornado In Kansas, Where The WIZARD OF OZ Famously Took Place.
What Swear Word Am I ?
your asshole.
Though the words "Fuck" and "Shit" are my favorite ones to say. LOL.
Stevie Trivia: And The Lady's Feeling....Like The Moon That She Loved
Sam Fox
WANTS YOUR QUESTIONS. I have spoken about Samantha Fox in past entry's and have expressed how under rated I think she is as a musician.
My Ex boyfriend Tom, of Oh Manchester, So Much To Answer For, blog fame, is a music fanatic. He has an exquisite ear for music. One day, while we were doing a road trip,of sorts, I played Samantha Fox's new CD entitled "Watching You, Watching Me". I sat back and waited the "Bashing" . His response,however, startled me, He Liked It. Particularly enjoying the title track. Samantha Fox and her music has come a long way baby.
I remember the first time i saw Samantha Fox. I was at my grandparents home and MTV was rather new. They announced that the next video coming up was from a british female artist that was taking the charts by storm and her debut single was already # 1 In Australia. I tried to figure out who it could be before the video aired. But couldn't. After the commercial break, the video for "Touch Me" (I Want Your Body) aired. I Couldnt move, I was spell bound to the television, I found myself actually catching my breathe. This woman was BEAUTIFUL. AND she could sing.
This was during the time when i was feeling rather confused about my sexuality. I was Twelve years old and knew that i found other boys attractive....But, But,.....this woman....i stammered to myself, was just so beautiful. And she had great big breasts. She had a rip in the ass of her jeans and looked sexy as well as tough. I became obsessed. I had to find this album entitled "Touch Me". It became a mission.
I found it at a local ROSES Department Store. The cover photo was even more erotic. My father happened to be with us in the store when i found it. I knew that if i played my cards right, he would buy this for me. It always irritated my father to no end of my being somewhat "girlie" so i figured that i could use that in my favor, if i told him I had to have this album because I thought that this female was strickingly beautiful and I was "in love" with her. It worked. He nearly broke his neck running to the check out counter to purchase it for me.
Then, I learned Samantha Fox was also a model. I brought posters, many of them topless, tacking them onto my walls. Calenders,new album releases all followed. I remember being in bed at night looking up at her. Her Shoulders arched back, chest poking out and a side smile. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME, i kept asking myself ? I thought i was gay? WHY was i finding this woman so attractive?
Samantha Fox is beautiful, there is no way that anyone can say different. If any straight guy from my era says that she had no bearing on any of their masterbation fantasies, they are a lier. But not only is she beautiful and a good singer , but the "Attraction" i felt for her, I later realised, was not that of in the sexual "I want to fuck her" sense. I was in love with this woman because she WAS beautiful, but, also because she REPRESENTED sexuality. She was not afraid to show her body. She was more or less telling me that it was "OK to show MY sexuality".To be myself.
Many rumours circulated throughout Sam's main stream success. The most damaging one to her career, was that she was THE PORN Star Samantha Fox. A complete and utter lie. She was not. People also felt that she would not have obtained the success of a singer had she not been a Page 3 model for the British Paper THE SUN. Yes, she was a topless model and that may have helped...but she became a Platinium selling artist, so that shows she did build a following from her music. I also feel that Samantha Fox was not taken entirely seriously because she was IN FACT, Beautiful. Maybe TOO Beautiful. (ok some her past songs were a bit cheese cake, but, besides that)
The music that Sam Fox sings today is more mature, more dance. An area of music that she fits very nicely into. She writes all of her material. Produces it and sings LIVE. Something that many artists still do not do today.
Samantha Fox was my first major crush on a female........and coming from a gay guy, i dont think you could get much more of an honour than that
If you can download some her newer stuff. Do yourself a favor and atleast give it a listen. Watching You,Watching Me and Let Me Be Free are two songs that will not dissappoint you. And heres a few facts to think about. Did you know that Samantha Fox and The Pet Shop Boys are the writers of the past club hit SANTA MARIA? And Samantha Fox is the writer to the theme song for the british cult hit "COUPLING"? Didn't think so
With all of my postings about Skinny Evil Bitches, i should probably make one thing very clear to everyone. In NO WAY do I actually HATE Skinny people in general. I want to make this clear, not because i have received emails from skinny readers who happened to be offended,but because, I personally have "worn the other shoe",so to speak.
At one time in my life, i was what i call today, a SKINNY EVIL BITCH. In my younger 20's, i was 148 pounds and probably one of the most judgemental individuals even I have ever personally known. lol. The heaviest my weight had ever risen to was actually 300 pounds. Now, on a 5 foot 7 inch frame thats rather hefty. I fought and battled my weight my entire life. And still to this day I do. But when i decided to crash diet at 21 years old and drop from 300 pounds to 148 pounds, in less than a year,may i also add, not only did i lose the weight. But i lost myself. That wondeful person I had known my entire life.
I became so self absorbed with weight that it controlled my every move. I did step aerobics every day for 1 hour then onto abds,legs and light weight training for another hour and i became a strict vegetarian. There were days when i would eat until i couldnt eat anymore and then pop 2 laxatives and all would be well. I would wake up at one in the morning and consume an entire 1/2 gallon of ice cream in one sitting. Then, i would go make myself throw it all up, put on head phones and do step aerobics for another hour.
Then I Found Drugs. Prescription Pain Pills Were My Main Choice. Vicodin ES, Perocet, Darvocet, Tylenol # 3 Were My Faves. When I Was Unable To Obtain These, I Would Take Whatever Was Availiable. That Led To, Shooting up Morphine, Demerol And Mepergan. I Wanted To Be Numb.
I became very intolerant of Real Size People too. I would make jokes about their appearance,what they were eating and what they were wearing Then one day i finally realised something. I had forgotten where i "came from",if you will. I did not even recognize myself in the mirror anymore. All the compliments i had began receiving from others, reminding me a job well done, the guys who would not even speak to me when i was heavy were wanting to take me out,garnish me with attention and etc was all i had come to care about. I was staring into a mirror and did not even recognize ME anymore.
I was still losing weight like crazy. Some days only drinking Diet PEPSI for meals. Going to bed at night crying because i was so hungry, My family became increasingly worried about my health. Physically and mentally. I went to our Family Practice Physician for my routine yearly exam, who then told me, that i was TOO SKINNY and that i needed to GAIN weight. For my height/weight i was nearly 30 pounds under weight.
I remember leaving doctors office that day, thinking the entire way home, for once in my life i was THIN. NOW, i am being told that i am TOO Thin. I am to thin and most importantly UNhappy. I wanted to be able to go out and eat with my friends and not just drink water.
I did that many times. One time in particular, friends and I were going to se AEROSMITH play in concert. We all left home early together so that we could have dinner before we went to the show. We ended up going to THE OLIVE GARDEN. Everyone placed their orders to the waitor. Pasta,Bread,Creame of something and etc. It all sounded so wonderful. Then he looked at me and asked what i would like. Everyone turned and looked to see what i was going to order. I politely smiled and replied, "SELTZER WATER is all for me thanks". Then my friends began conversing again. All was well.
Even as a child I was over weight. i was placed on numerous diets by the doctor and they were implemented by family. Because they cared for my physical well being. I think that one of the most detromental things that can be done to a child is to tell them that they are too FAT. They cared about my physical well being, yes, but what about my Mental well being. As a six year old child ,in my mind, i felt that i was being told that i was "unacceptable" I remember many times when i would "sneak" a bowl, a spoon, a box of RICE KRISPIES and some milk and go hide in the bathroom. I would sit in the bathroom, with the door locked and literally eat until i was full. I had to HIDE to eat. What kind of fucking shit is THAT.
But as i said, One day everything finally dawned to me. Was I happy being Thin? The answer was No, i was not. Did i initially begin the drastic diet to make ME happy? The answer was NO. I only begain dieting then because i felt i HAD TO. I had to be thin to be accepted. I had turned my back on all the true friends that i had ever known for the sake of being thin. The friends who loved ME for ME regardless of what i weighed in at. Most importanly, i had turned my back on Myself.
I had bowed down to defeat because OTHERS told me that I was "unacceptable". from that age of six,til then, my 20's. That infuriated me. NEVER had i been the type to do something just because others said i should or had to. I was not being true to myself. I could kick myself in my F.A.T. Ass everytime i think about that shit.
So, i found me again. I began living again. As some of the weight returned, all i heard from everyone was "Your getting FAT again" or "Aren't You Putting Your Weight back On"? My all time favorite "Are You Sick". My reply, "No, Bitch, I'M FAT". it truly opened my eyes again. Skinny friends no longer called anymore. But my old true friends were still there with me.
So,basically I am saying this. I KNOW first HAND about Skinny People. Not All of them are this way by any means,but it has been my expierence that more than half are.
I have lived the life of skinny and the life of large. The "Skinny Evil Bitch" Entrys Are To Be Taken With A Grain Of Salt.The Scenario's Are All True. They Are, somewhat comedic to me now when i look back. That's what I want to Express. The Whole thing of turning my pain into laughter now. But also hoping that with this, some people may become less jugdmental and more tolerant. All over weight people are NOT Dirty and lazy. Just as all Skinny People are not.
For 2 years now, i have consistently maintained my weight. Its not 300 pounds but it is not 170 pounds by any mean. Do you know what it is???? It is ME. And for once in my life I can say That I am happy with that.
Well, Mark, My Hubby (Soon To Be Anyway), Has Left For An All Weekend Conference In Atlanta. I Helped Him Pack And Took Him To The Airport This Morning.. I Always Feel Incomplete When Mark Is Not Here.
His Being A Physician, And Attending Conferences To Learn New Things Within The Medical Community Are Very Important To Him. He Loves His Job And Most Importantly, He Is Very Good At What He Does. So, HIs Being Happy, In Turn, Makes Me Happy.
I Love Mark Very Much. I Know That This Is Real, Because He Is My Every Thought, My Every Desire. He Completes Me. He Accepts Me And My Faults. Reminds Me Everyday How Special I Am To Him. Most Importantly, He Keeps Me Grounded.
I Will Be The First To Admit, That At Times, I Can Be Very Moody, Full Of Attitude, And Full Of Resentment. Especially In Regards To My Past. When He Does See Those Evil Demons Re-amerging, He Will Halt Them Quickly. Reminding me, That Everyone's Life Has Been Or Is Difficult. That I Am Not Alone That Game. But When Doing That, He Also Reminds Of The Important Things. The Admirable Qualities About Me. Yes, There Is A Part Of Me That Is Fragile, But There Is Also A Part Of Me That Is Tough As Nails. I Am A Survivor. I Have Survived The Things In My Past, And Am Still Here To Talk Of Them.
He Reminds Me That I Am Worthy Of Love....I Am Worthy Of Him. Mark, Is My Lover And My Best Friend. And I Can Not Wait Until August 14th, When I Will Have Him, As My Husband.
Which Cartoon Super Hero Am I ? Ummm......Roo Roo
You are Scobby Doo, all thou you are scared of well
all most every thing you are obber cute. You
can eat and eat and eat but never get any
fater. You Rock scooby doo
My Girl, Stevie Nicks And The Other Members Of Fleetwood Mac Donated 200 Tickets To A Local Radio Station (QFM 96) For The Opening NIght Of Their SAY YOU WILL Tour In Columbus, Ohio. The Tickets Were Given To Those Currently Serving, Or Have Already Served In The U.S. Armed Forces.
Dining Out Should Be An Enjoyable Expierence. But That's Not Going To Happen As Long As The Skinny-----As Hungry As They Are------Refuse To Eat And Only Ridicule Us For Wanting To Enjoy Our Fair Share. It Will Also Remain A Challenge. Until Restaurants Cater To A Clientele That Really Matters-------Folks Who Like To Chow Down.
Instead, They Insult BIG Eaters By Squeezing In Too Many Tables, Prohibiting Those Of Us Who Require Roomier Accomodations, From Comfortably Getting Our Grub On. And Please, Hire A Staff Based On Food Knowledge Rather Than Good Looks.
Like The Time A Couple Of Friends And I Went To A Steak House And Asked The Waitress, A Cutesy Little BARBIE Girl Who Weighed About Ninety Pounds, Whose Ribs Were Poking Through Her Size-Two Uniform, Which She Recommended, The Rib Eye Or The Porterhouse Steak. Her Response: " I Don't Eat Meat, But The Rib Eye Is A Popular Choice."
That's The Stupidest Shit I Have Ever Heard. Lie To Me. Tell Me The T-bone Can't Be Beat, But Whatever You Do, Don't Tell Me, Standing In A Steak House, That You Don't Eat Meat. Because A Vegetarian Working In A Steak House Makes About As Much Damn Sense As A One-Legged Man In An Ass-Kicking Contest.
There Should Be A Law That To Seek Employment At Black Angus, You Must Eat Meat, Be Made To Chow Down On A Side Of Cow During Orientation, And Be Competent Enough To Answer Simple Food-Related Questions.
Is That Too Damn Much To Ask?
Stevie Trivia: Some Carry A Stiletto In Their Garter Along With Everything Else.
OK...Its A Good Thing That I Can Laugh At Myself.. I Know A Few Who Will Roll On The Floor In A Fit Of Laughter With This Result.....Or Burn Up Their Cell Phones To Talk About It. The Quiz: What KInd Of Porn Star Would I Be". I Know It Would Not Include A Certain Threesome That Is Depicted In This Pic.
Gangbang movie! You're such a horndog! You can't
get enough sex! You've been around the block.
People might even go so far as to call you a
nympho. Chances are, you're a walking STD. Go
get tested.
Ok Everyone..... I Have Finally Added A Comments Section To My Blog. After Every Entry You Will See An Area That Says "Shout Out". Just Click That And Leave A Comment. The "Shout Out" Section Has Been Added To All Past Postings Too. So, Feel Free To Comment On Skinny Evil Bitch's Sections As Well As Stevie Trivia. I Will Be Checking Them All. I Can't Wait To Hear From You All. On A Personal Note: I Found This Link Via BOWLING BITCH'S Blog. Jenn, Is A Fellow Wiccan And Is Way Cool. So, Be Sure To Check Her Blog Out.
Stevie Trivia: And Each Time Thinking........Will This Be The One?
The Next Time Around, "Buns Of Steel" Was The Goal, And The Fact That This One Could Be Done In The Comfort Of Home, At My Own Pace, Made Me Feel Great. I Threw On A Pair Of Cross Trainers, Some Spandex Shorts, A Wife Beater Tee Shirt, And Was Ready To Work It Out. But No One Had Explained That To Get Buns Of Steel, You Must First Endure Buns Of Pain. After Five Solid Squats My Buns Were Burning So Bad, There Was No Need To Go Any Further. With No One To Impress, I Squatted On The Sofa And Watched The Entire Work Out. Tired And Hungry After All That Talk About Buns, I Headed Over To The Bakery And Picked Up One Of Those Cinnamon Rolls With Extra Icing. Walking To And From My Car To The Bakery, I Reasoned, Was My Work Out For That Day.
Then We Had A Y.M.C.A. Open Here. I Decided To Take A Tour Of Sorts One Day. The Guy Who Gave Me The Tours Name Was Ken. He Performed A Routine Health Evaluation, Explained The Benefits Of A Good Cardiovascular Work Out, Suggested A Diet Plan And Offered Brochures That Listed Various Classes And Their Times. I Took One Look At The Schedule And Instantly Knew That HIP-HOP Dance Moves And Mountain Climbing 101 Were Not Going To Work For Me. That's For Those Young, Crazy, Thin Ones. Where's The Electric Slide Class, Or Slow Impact 101? I Thanked Him For The Information And Was Done For The Day, But Before I Could Get The Hell Out Out Of There, Ken Suggested I Check Out A Class That Was To Begin In Ten Minutes.
When I Entered The Class, It Was A Slew Of Thin Ones Stretching And Chatting Amongst Themselves. I Attempted To Speak, But It Was Obvious A F.A.T. Boy Was Not Going To Be Able To Join Their Conversation, So I Turned To An Older Lady Who Didn't Have An Ounce Of Body Fat. She Did, However, Have A Scowl On Her Face To Let Me Know That She Was Already In "The Zone". All Of These Bitches Were Color Coordinated And Dressed In The Latest Cute Work Out Gear, While I Had Left The House In F.A.T. Work Out Gear. Which Consisted Of The BIG T-Shirt And A Pair Of Biker Shorts.
When The Instructor Entered, I Swear Girlfriend Was Straight Out Of FLASH DANCE. She Had On A Faceful Of Make Up, A Hot Pink Leotard, A Pair Of Pink Leg Warmers And If Her Name Wasn't BARBIE, It Should Have Been. She Screamed "Get Your Step". They All Nodded, Applauded, And Screamed Their Approval. Barbie Put On A High Speed Part CD, Adjusted Her Headset, And Took Off Like The Energizer Bunny. Her Ass Just Kept Going, And Going, And Going. Everyone Was Following Right Along, Stepping Up And Down On Their Little Boxes, Throwing Their Hands In The Air, And Following Along As Barbie Screamed, "Ten, Nine, Eight,Seven, Six More, Five, Four More,Three, Two. Okay, Now, Eight More, Seven, Six." Clearly, Barbie Had A Problem Counting, Because After Five Minutes Her Ass Was Still Screaming, "And Five, Four, And Three". She Could Never Quite Make It To One. Those Fifteen Minutes Felt Like An Hour.
And God Forbid You Get A Leg Cramp While Doing That Shit. One Thing I Found, Was Not To Mess With Skinny Evil Ones While They Are Getting Their Work Out. They Will Step Over You, Or Worse, Step Onto Your Fat Ass If You Get In Their Way.
I Decided To Tackle A Spin Class. Now, Riding A Stationary Bike Can Not Be That Difficult, Right? WRONG!!! The Instructor Had My Fat Ass Pedaling Up Imaginary Hills, Standing Up On The Damn Bicycle For Five Minutes While Pedaling, And Performing Arm Extensions. On This Particular Day, The Instructor Was This Totally Hot, Totally Straight White Guy Named Gary. I Actually Took A Moment Of Silence To Pray To The GOD's For Sending Me A Male Instructor For Once. Anyway, As I Said, He Was Straight As An Arrow, Black Hair, Brown Eyes And Deliciously Tan. But More Importantly, He Seemed Very Cool And Understanding.
Sensing My Apprehension, Gary Walked Over, Helped Me Get Adjusted Onto The Bicycle, And Told Me To Not Kill Myself, Just Go At A Nice Even Pace, And If Anything Started To Hurt, Just Let Him Know. I Said "Thank You, I Will." I Was Feeling Good About This Session Until Gary Mounted His Bike, Pushed A Button On The CD Player, And Took Off Like It Was The Fuckin' Tour De France. Gary Was One Of Those Philosophical Spinners Who Offered Witty Words With His Work Out. "Don't Worry About Where We've Been. Just Stay In The Moment," He Urged. Clearly, I Missed The Meaning, But Everyone Else Seemed To Get It Right Away, Because All Of A Sudden Everyone Began Pedaling Faster. Moments Later Gary Offered Another Pearl: "We Can Do This, One Pedal Stroke At A Time". Who Was This Bitch Trying To Fool With His One Pedal Stroke At A Time Shit? I Felt As If I Was On The Verge Of HAVING A Stroke. From Behind Me I Heard The PLUMP Woman In The Back. "That's Right." She Kept Pedaling Along As The Crowd Screamed And Biked Faster, Buying Into The Gary Credo. Ten Minutes Into This Bike Tour, I Was Over It And Gary. He Was Nice, But Was Starting To Get On My Nerves With His Pedaling Up Hills That Didn't Exist. Finally He Urged Us To "Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Go Someplace New." That's When I Decided To Follow Gary's Sage Advice. I Got Off That Bicycle ( Mind You, It Took A Good Ten Minutes Just To Get One Foot Out Of Those Damn Stirrups), Got Into The Car, And Went To McDonalds Right Down The Street.
And Even Though The Culprit Was Not A Skinny Evil Bitch This One Time. The Entire Gym Expierence Just Didn't Suit Me. BIG People, Perhaps That Has Been Your Expierence, Too. There's Something About Gyms That Just Ain't Right--------Like No F.A.T. Instructors.
The Dixie Chicks Were Consistently Booed By Some Audience Members Last Night At The Country Music Awards. Vince Gill, The Host, Actually Told The Audience,During One Point In The Show, To "Stop It, Stop It, Do You Know Who Gets Blessed When You Forgive......YOU". The Dixie Chicks Performed Live Via Satellite From Their Home State....TEXAS, Where All Seemed To Be Forgiven
The Ongoing Fued Between The Chicks Lead Singer, Natalie Maines, and Country Crooner (Can I Vomit Now) Toby Keith. Natalie Sported A Tee-Shirt With "F.U.T.K" (Fuck You Toby Keith) Displayed Proudly Across Her Chest. As The Cermony Came To An End, Toby Keith Was Announced Entertainer Of The Year, Only To Have Left The Building During The Show.
Maybe, He Was On A Plane Heading To Texas To Ask Natalie And The Other Chicks To Forgive Him. My Advice: "Fuck Him Natalie, Put A Boot In HIS Ass, Girlfriend".
Skinny Evil Bitches And Exercise Is Overrated Continuation
So, After Weeks And Not A Sign Of A Toned Body On The Horizon, It Was Good-Bye To Work Out Machines And Hello, Exercise Classes. That's Right.
When The Tae-Bo Craze Hit A Few Years Ago, I Decided To Give This Break A Hip Shit, A Try. Now, When Our Local ESO Center Advertised A Free Night Of Tae-Bo, Everybody And Their Grandmother Decided To Go And Give This A Try. When I Got There A Line Had Formed Out The Door And Was Half Way Up The Sidewalk. Shit, I'll Line Up To Eat, I May Even Stand In Line For A Party, But I'll Be Damned If I'm Gonna Line Up To Sweat. But There I Was, Determined To Give It A Shot. Hell, I Felt As Though I Had Dropped Twenty Pounds Just Standing In The Damn Line.
The Entire Time I Was Outside Waiting In Line, I Envisioned A Hunky Well Built Man Instructing The Class. That Was Clearly The ONLY Incentive For Me To Stand In That Damn Line To Begin With. When I Finally Made My Way Into The Class, Man, Was I Ever Shocked. Instead, It Was Some Tiny Female Instructor In Spandex Shorts With A Damn Microphone Wrapped Around Her Head.
While The Regulars Were Getting Into Their Regular Spots, She Was Getting Warmed Up To Kill Us. But, That Didn't Frighten The Fanatics, It Motivated Them. While Everyone Was Stretching, I Did A Quick Sweep Of The Room To Look For Men. Not One Was To Be Found. I Thought About Breaking Out Then, But Was Determined To Not Punk Out. That Is, Until The Music Started.
There Was No Warm Up. That Skinny Evil Bitch Just Cranked The Music, And The Entire Class Fell Into The Tae-Bo Zone, And It Was Double Time For A Solid Hour. After Five Minutes Of Trying To Get Into The Step, I Was Like "Fuck It". I Didn't Care About Making It Through. But, Getting Out Of There Turned Into Survival Of The Fittest, With Me Against Everyone In The Room.
See, With Tae-Bo, The Entire Class Is Moving In One Motion, And You've Got To Keep Up With The Crazy Instructor, Kind Of Like Doing The Electric Slide, Except At A Faster Pace. Everyone Was Kicking And Squatting Simultaneously At Fifty Fucking Miles An Hour. This STICK Of An Instructor------And The Fanatic Zombies Following Her Crazy Sped Up Ass-----Moved So Fast, There Was No Way For Me To Break Out, So I Looked Over At This Head Band Wearing Olivia Newton-John, Lets Get Physical, Wanna Be And Said " Girl, Fuck This Shit ". So, I Jogged In Place Instead. But, That Made Them Mad, Because The F.A.T. Boy Was Fuckin' Up The Flow. The Fanatics Glared At Me As If To Say, Either Move It Or Move The Hell Out Of The Way. So, As Soon As I Could Make It Through This Maze, I Dashed Out Of That Torture Chamber And Never Looked Back. By The Time I Had Made It To The Car, I Was Swimming In Sweat And Hungry As Hell. My Hands Were Shaking So Bad, I Knew That My Blood Glucose Level Had Dropped From Playing With Them Psycho Exericise Zombies, So I Made My Way To The Drive Thru Of POPEYES For A Six Piece And Biscuit Combo.
Stevie Trivia: LIke A Charmed Hour And A Haunted Song
Skinny Evil Bitches
Real Size People, I've Talked, And At Times Even Preached, About How Wonderful It Is To Be Of Real Size Status. How It's Time That BIG People Rise Up, Fight Skinny Evil Ones, And Claim Our Rightful Place. I Have Given Examples In Numerous Entry's Of Why The Enemy Needs To Be Destroyed, And Even Shared My Own Bit Of Personal History In Regards To Me And My Weight Through Out My Life.
I Want To Go Back A Bit And Begin Explaining To You About The Journey That I Took When I Decided To Become Skinny. Looking Back At My Crazy Antics On Achieving That. If There Is Anything That I Have Come To Realize Now, It Is This. EXERCISE IS OVERRATED.
For That Two Years Or So, I Lost My Damn Mind-----AND A Hell Of A Lot Of Money-----Trying To Become A Slim Downed Faggot. What Can I Say? I Brought Into The Typical Stero-Types These Skinny Bitches And The Vast Majority Of Society Has Set Up For Us F.A.T. Folks.
So, For Two Years, I Became A Fitnessed-Obsessed Fool. But, Don't Get It Twisted Now. When I First Started The Diet, I Did Not Want To Become A Twig By Any Means. I Wanted To Become Someone Who Would Be Noticed And Reckoned With. I Got All That In The End. But I Was Not Happy. And For What? Being The Size I am Today, I STILL Get all That. So Fuck It.
My Aim Was To Sculpt The MEGA-Masterpiece My Godess Blessed Me With Into A Well-Toned Temple, And Though That Meant Sweating, I Did Not Necessarily Want To Kill Myself To Do It. So, At First I Found A Way To Get The Job Done Without Ever Leaving The House, And With Visions Of The Man I Wanted To Become (Or So I Thought), I Rushed To The Damn Phone And Ordered Every Piece Of Work Out Equipment Known To Man. First The Ab Roller Arrived. $59.99, This One, Billed As The Origional Abdominal Exerciser Machine,Promised A Complete, No Non-Sense Work Out And Results In No Time. But Assembling This Damn Thing Was A Work Out Of Its Own. So Was Trying To Figure Out How The Hell To Do The Oblique Crunch, The Double Crunch, Or The Raised Leg Oblique. And Trying To Keep The Anti-Slip Power Stand From Slipping Made me Anti Ab Roller.
Then The Bowflex Ultimate Arrived, And Baby, This Thing Was No Joke. At A Cost Of $1,200, This Machine Called Itself Quite Possibley The Best Home Fitness Machine Ever Made, With Over Ninety Health-Club Quality Exercises And 410 Pounds Of Resistance, Rock-Hard Abs, Sculpted legs, And A Well Toned Physique All Within Reach In Just Six Weeks, It Sounded Like A Winner, But When That BIG Ass Box And Those Two Thousand Pieces Got To My House, You NEEDED Six Weeks Or Atleast A Ph.D In Mechanical Engineering Just To Figure Out How To Put The Damn Thing Together. It Was So Complicating And Frustrating That After The First Few Hours, It Got Tossed Into The Storage Area Along With The Ab Roller,The Nordic Track, The Torso Track, The Suzanne Summers Toning System, And The Mini Stepper That Arrived Just Before It.
Shit, Even A Slow Tread Mill Moved To Fast For My Fat Ass. When I Attempted To Raise The Incline, The Damn Thing Popped, Sparked, And Started To Smoke (joke). But, There Was No Need To Let A Perfectly Good Fitness Machine Go To Waste. Tread MIlls Make The Ideal Clothes Hangers.
In one of the most lengthy, drawn out, court battles ever, Anna Nicole Smith has been awarded $88.5 MIllion Dollars by a Federal judge in regards to her late husband's fortune.
It's no secret that I love Anna and think she is naturally beautiful. Many would debate her intellect. Many would debate her motives. I care about neither. I find her reality show quite entertaining. Season Finale of The Anna Nicole Show is June 1st. E! TV has alerted Anna that her show has been renewed for a Third Season if she would like to continue.
I just hope this $88.5 miliion win doesnt make her change her mind.
Anna Nicole Wins $88.5 Million
May 26th is Stevie's Birthday. So,hop on over the THE
NICKS FIX and send to Stevie your Birthday Wishes.
Stevie Trivia: Love Somebody......Save Their Soul....Tie Them To Your Heaven.......Erase Their Hell
OK Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac fans, now is the time to show your support. Click onto the link and submit your vote for Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac for Best Classic Rock Band. Both Stevie and The Mac are on the list.
Which Spice Girl Am I ? As If This Is A Total Surprise
You're Geri, aka Ginger Spice!
I love Deborah Harry and the band BLONDIE. So, i decided to see "What BLONDIE Album Best Suits Me." Here's The Verdict.
In Love. In Lust. And a wee bit paranoid. You
are Plastic Letters.
As I have been a practicing witch now for many years, i do believe in the "Karma" thing. Well, to some extent.
Think about it, If i believe that I have been wronged by someone or something,in truth, WAS I ? When explained to other people, will they agree? Or No?
Well, today i found a great fun (Entertainment purpose only) site that can help you speed up that process of "Karma". Its called PIN STRUCK.
It's Voodoo. You type the email addy of the person that you feel has "Wronged you". They send to them a "You've been PIN STRUCK" Cursed letter and link. The best part: IN NO WAY CAN THEY EVER FIND OUT THAT IT WAS IN FACT YOU WHO SENT IT TO THEM!!!!!! I love that idea. It is harmless fun and allows you to achieve revenge without ACTUAL harm to one, or two, or three,well you get the picture (lol)
Anyway,heres the link. Enjoy.
Stevie Trivia: So, Im Not Going To Try At All To Keep You From The Flame.....Just Remember Not To Call My Name
Papa goes the weasel! (Weak pun) You're Papa Smurf,
post this somewhere so all your friends take
the Smurf Test!
It always saddens me to read about anyone who is a recovering addict,relapsing. Anyone who has never lived the life of being an addict has,absolutely,no idea how strong that grip is. I wish
HIM the best
And Just To Annoy Some,The Following
LINK, I Love Her!!!
Stevie Trivia: That Was When The Dream Took Her Prisoner.....And She Knew The Dream Was Over
Samantha Fox THE BOXER? Yep, the 80's cheesecake page 3 model/turned pop star was featured on U.K.'s" The Battle Of The Blondes Boxing Event".
I am sure anyone who grew up in the 80's remembers Sam Fox, the buxom beauty, who "racked" up numerous top 10 singles in the U.K. and Abroad. Her hits include, Touch Me ( I Want Your Body), Naughty Girls Need Love(Too),I Only Wanna Be With You,I Wanna Have Some Fun, Do Ya Do Ya (Wanna Please Me) and Hurt Me,Hurt Me (But The Pants Stay On).
THIS LINK to see how Sam Fox, was "out foxed" in the boxing rink.
On a personal note, I think Samantha Fox Is still one of the most beautiful women in the world. She is currently in the studio recording her follow up to 2002's WATCHING YOU,WATCHING ME.
With all of my postings about Skinny Evil Bitches, i should probably make one thing very clear to everyone. In NO WAY do I actually HATE Skinny people in general. I want to make this clear, not because i have received emails from skinny readers who happened to be offended,but because, I personally have "worn the other shoe",so to speak.
At one time in my life, i was what i call today, a SKINNY EVIL BITCH. In my younger 20's, i was 148 pounds and probably one of the most judgemental individuals even I have ever personally known. lol. The heaviest my weight had ever risen to was actually 300 pounds. Now, on a 5 foot 7 inch frame thats rather hefty. I fought and battled my weight my entire life. And still to this day I do. But when i decided to crash diet at 21 years old and drop from 300 pounds to 148 pounds, in less than a year,may i also add, not only did i lose the weight. But i lost myself. That wondeful person I had known my entire life.
I became so self absorbed with weight that it controlled my every move. I did step aerobics every day for 1 hour then onto abds,legs and light weight training for another hour and i became a strict vegetarian. There were days when i would eat until i couldnt eat anymore and then pop 2 laxatives and all would be well. I would wake up at one in the morning and consume an entire 1/2 gallon of ice cream in one sitting. Then, i would go make myself throw it all up, put on head phones and do step aerobics for another hour.
I became very intolerant of Real Size People too. I would make jokes about their appearance,what they were eating and what they were wearing Then one day i finally realised something. I had forgotten where i "came from",if you will. I did not even recognize myself in the mirror anymore. All the complimnets i were receiving from others, reminding me a job well done, the guys who would not even speak to me when i was heavy were wanting to take me out,garnish me with attention and etc was all i had come to care about. I was staring into a mirror and did not even recognize ME anymore. I was still losing weight like crazy. Some days only drinking Diet PEPSI for meals. Going to bed at night crying because i was so hungry, My family became increasingly worried about my health. Physically and mentally. I went to our Family Practice Physician for my routine yearly exam who then told me that i was TOO SKINNY and that i needed to GAIN weight. For my height/weight i was nearly 30 pounds under weight.
I remember that i left the doctors office that day, thinking the entire way home, for once in my life i was THIN. NOW, i am being told that i am TOO Thin. I am to thin and most importantly UNhappy. I wanted to be able to go out and eat with my friends and not just drink water. I did that many times. One time in particular, friends and I were going to se AEROSMITH play in concert. We all left home early together so that we could have dinner before we went to the show. We ended up going to THE OLIVE GARDEN. Everyone placed their orders to the waitor. Pasta,Bread,Creame of something and etc. It all sounded so wonderful. Then he looked at me and asked what i would like. Everyone turned and looked to see what i was going to order. I politely smiled and replied, "SELTZER WATER is all for me thanks". Then my friends began conversing again. All was well.
Even as a child I was over weight. i was placed on numerous diets by the doctor and they were implemented by family. Because they cared for my physical well being. I think that one of the most detromental things that can be done to a child is to tell them that they are too FAT. They cared about my physical well being, yes, but what about my Mental well being. As a six year old child ,in my mind, i felt that i was being told that i was "unacceptable" I remember many times when i would "sneak" a bowl, a spoon, a box of RICE KRISPIES and some milk and go hide in the bathroom. I would sit in the bathroom, with the door locked and literally eat until i was full. I had to HIDE to eat. What kind of fucking shit is THAT.
But as i said, I woke up one day and everything finally dawned to me. Was I happy being Thin? The answer was No, i was not. Did i initially begin the drastic diet to make ME happy? The answer was NO. I only begain dieting then because i felt i HAD TO. I had to be thin to be accepted. I had turned my back on all the true friends that i had ever known for the sake of being skinny. The friends who loved ME for ME regardless of what i weighed in at. Most importanly, i had turned my back on Myself. I had bowed down to defeat because OTHERS told me that I was "unacceptable". from that age of six,til then, my 20's. That infuriated me. NEVER had i ever been the type to do something just because others said i should or had to. I was not being true to myself. I could kick myself in my F.A.T. Ass everytime i think about that shit.
So, i found me again. I began living again. As some of the weight returned, all i heard from everyone was "Your getting FAT again" or "Aren't You Putting Your Weight back On"? My all time favorite "Are You Sick". My reply, "No, Bitch, I'M FAT". it truly opened my eyes again. Skinny friends no longer called anymore. But my old true friends were still there with me.
So,baically I am saying this. I KNOW first HAND about Skinny People. Not All of them are this way by any means,but it has been my expierence that more than half are.
I have lived the life of skinny and the life of large. For 2 years now, i have consistently maintained my weight. Its not 300 pounds but it is not 170 pounds by any mean. Do you know what it is???? It is ME. And for once in my life I can say That I am happy with that.
Stevie Trivia: In Silence The Lonely Make All Their Mistakes.....Tore A Page Of My Heart
As much as I despise the ways of skinny women, I've got to hand it to them,they do know how to reel men in------by demanding million dollar mansions, condo's in the Caribbean,and sports cars. BUT they do NOT have a CLUE about how to keep a man on the hook-----by getting their name added onto the deed. It takes more than just showing some skin to get in.
You better show some cooking skills and some bed room tricks,too. Because in this day and age you can't just up the ante and not up the cookie(s).
So for those poor misguided souls who think FATTY, from the Land Of The MisFits, is at home starved for love and affection,who assume that all we do is lie around the house all day stuffing our faces with popcorn,depressed because we don't have that special someone,keep right on thinking that stupid shit, because I have news for you. F.A.T. LOVERS KEEP MEN,plenty of them. In fact,skinny girls, do you know where your man is right now? He just might be at home with us. That's right. TONS (pun intended) of Real Size Beauties have men at the house waiting on them hand and fat-ass foot.
The thing is, some of these Skinny Evil Bitches know that their shit is shaky. That's why a BIG girlfriend who still associates with the enemy reported that an evil eight masquerading as a cool one asked her our secret for keeping a man hooked. Instead of treating this hard-up heifer like the enemy that she is,BIG girl told her our number-one secret: We Cook For Our Men. That's right, COOK.
You know the old saying, "The Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach?" That shit is true.
It's also the route you take to get to his wallett, and to get your name on the deed,too. But see Skinny Evil Bitches don't think long term. You know, Maybe if they'd played fair, instead of being so damn evil, we could teach them a few things.
Stevie Trivia: You Can't See Your Shadow.......Reaching For The Sky
Stephen, I Will Always Love You Too. It Makes Me Happy To Give Something Back To You For A Change,Instead Of How It Was When We Were Together, Me Being The Taker. It Is Not A Loan....It Is A Gift. NOW, GO GET YOUR BOAT!!!!!!
I Have decided that today is a "ME" Day. I have been so busy lately trying to prepare the Committment Cermony, Trying to keep the house clean,making sure i stay in touch with friends, either by returning phone calls and emails, that I am going to do absolutely NOTHING today but read all my favorite magazines,Take a Kazillion Quizella quizes,Turn up Stevie Nicks,drape myself in Chiffon and spin around the house. Ok....thats a mental image that even I DO NOT NEED. But,anyway, you all get the idea.
So what kind of Sitcom Girlie Am I ? WHAT??? WHY are you laughing? I am GAY. I am intouch with my feminine side? (wink)
OK, So What. So, Maybe I Am An Evil Fairy.......But Atleast I'm Not A Skinny EVIL Bitch.
Evil, you like to take over other fairys and make
then yours, at the same time you fallow someoen
else. You are a winter fairy , and i do have to
say mostlikely pretty cute or sexy
Stevie Trivia: No One Understands This Man.....No One Ever Will
I was so sad to hear the news that June Carter Cash, a fellow Virginian and wife of Country Music Legend Johnny Cash, has passed away from complications of Open Heart Surgery. She was 73.
Just Walk A Little Slower
And Open Up Your Eyes
Sometimes Its So Hard To See
The Good Things Passing By
There May Never Be A Sign
No Flashing Neon Light
Telling You To Make Your Move
Or When The Time Is Right
So Live Your Life
You've Got Somewhere To Belong
You've Got Some One To Love
Happiness Is No Mystery
It's Right Here........Right Now
Open Up Your Eyes And See
Yesterday My Life It Seemed
Was Clearly So Much Duller
You Have Brought It Clear to Me ....Broadcasting Techni-Color
You Have Someone Who Loves You
So Right Here, Right Now
Live And Love Your Life
Because You Wouldn't Want To Miss This
In Your Heart You Know What This Is
You Wonder What Life Is About
But You Could Search The World And Still Never Figure It Out
You Don't Have To Sail The Oceans
Happiness Is Not A Mystery
It's Right Here, Right Now
It's You And Me
Took This Quizella Quiz To See "Where My Soul Originated".
You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Women Worshiping Run Way Models? Men Desiring Super "Tally Wacker" Length? Women MORE Obsessed At Being Thin Than Men? IS THIS What The "Majority" Of People Still Crave? Not Me.
Stevie Trivia: I Hear About You Now And Then, I Wonder Where You Are And How You Feel
I have happened to stumble across THE most bewitching and raw photo that i think has ever been taken of Stevie Nicks. Here's the
LINK. While you are there,check out the rest of
THIS wonderful Stevie Nicks site. The BEST Non-Official Stevie Nicks web site you will ever find. Trust me on this one folks
Stevie Trivia: You Know That I Can Not Stay, Yes I Know, It Has Nothing To Do With You Or With Love
I received an email regarding my last entry from one of the most wonderful readers I think anyone could ever wish for. THIS is why I chose to tackle the subject of Real Size people and Skinny Evil Bitches.So many times, the media crams down our throats how being over weight is not healthy. Also, claiming that many Real Size people are depressed and not happy. That the ONLY way to find happiness is to be thin.. SAY'S WHO?????? Let me just break this down for anyone who may have misconceptions about MY world. I am F.A.T (Fabulous And Thick),Happy AND Healthy. And.... many who fall into my category of thickness also posess these same qualities. Not all of us spend the days of our lives locked alone in our homes crying,vegging out,watching QVC and ordering every fad diet advertised. We are HAPPY,HEALTHY,PRODUCTIVE people of this world and here is one reader who is in agreement with me. You Totally Rock Girlfriend.
Bravo!!!! Well said, written, whichever floats your boat.... Ha Ha
More trival fuel to add to your fire if you did not already know.... Renassiance women were described as Rubenesque. Plump, curvy, vivacious, voluptuous... take your pick. I too am a big woman with a big heart and am every bit of the goddes my screen name depicts. In ancient times, when Goddess Worship was abound... the Goddess' were plump... real women... not half-starved brainless nit wits....
Just my thoughts
Can I remind you again how much I love this womans attitude? (Smile)
And thanks for the Renassiance Rubenesque info. I did not know this.
Stevie Trivia: The Sea Never Changes, Not Really....It Is The Constant In My Life
Loyalty......Lets Discuss This Topic Shall We. How Do You Define Loyalty? My Best Friend Recently Told Me That If Someone Was To Ask Her If She Could Define Me, Her Best Friend, In ONE Word,What Would That Word Be? "Simply Put, My Best Friend IS One Of The Most LOYAL Bitches You Will Ever Meet" she'd respond..Read That Sentence Again Now...She Didnt Say I was A "Royal" But Instead A "LOYAL" Bitch. So Any Mother fucker can say what the hell they want about me. I dont give a fuck. I AM Loyal....And in the past I was Loyal to many a one who I shouldn't have been Loyal to. But I was. I took up for some of their stupid ass's. I removed myself from conversations when they were the discussion of ridicule. That Ass You heard about in jokes. Yep, I Have Done that for more than some who didn't deserve it....which brings me to my next SKINNY EVIL BITCH LESSON.
Loyalty is definetely not a prerequisite for the skinny. They're only loyal to whoever's footing the bill. But not us------shit,we're there through THICK and thin. If a fight breaks out, we don't run and get help. We ARE the help. If there's a shoot-out ( I have a fire arm fetish,what can I say, my handy pistol even has a name "Greta"),you better believe that extra roll of stomach FAT can stop a speeding bullet. Just kidding. But seriously, we'll knock a chicken head out, so a friend can get away. And when it comes to my man, I ain't gonna fight you, I'm gonna KILL YOU if you try to step to him. I already have a police record. I don't play that shit. Especially not with the man I have in my life now. Like a certain intern who tried to cover for her man when the republicans tried to step to him.
Now, it's no secret that presidents are notorious for keeping bimbos around to give them extra "Secret Services". That's just one of the perks of the job----to get all the sex they want in between (or during) cabinet meetings. But when news broke out that Bill Clinton was caught in the middle of a sex scandal, folks were probably expecting to see another blonde as the presidents last quest. But I knew from the circumstances-----the BIG blue dress, the fierce desire to keep it all quiet, and the notion that she'd be Mrs.Bill Clinton one day----that this one was different. Monica Lewinsky fell hard for this southern boy from Arkansas. That's what got her.
Bill's past flings may have been with skinny bimbos trying to make a FAST buck, but when he got with Monica, he got a girl who was in it for love------and loyalty-----of her man. She never intended to bring down the President Of The United States, she just wanted to perform her duty as a loyal American-------and got caught up in the process. When the news finally broke out and the girl with the BIG blue dress was unveiled everyone was shocked and taken back. Not Me. I knew from the get go it was a BIG girl. And you can say what you want about Monica Lewisnky,your entitled to your opinion, not that I give a rats ass about it, but I personally think that Monica is Pretty. She should have NEVER fallen prey to the publics disclaimer that she was F.A.T. and thought it to be a good idea to do those Jenny Craig commercials. Now, you talk about a Skinny Evil Bitch...that Jenny Craig is pure EVIL. A FAT girl gone Skinny. They are the worse ones. But then again, are we even sure that Jenny Craig is even 'Skinny"? I have yet to see her do her own promos? Maybe she is actually just ugly. But anyway, getting back to Bill and Monica's affair. I dont blame Monica at all for what happened. If you really think about it, this entire mess is Hillary's damn fault, because she knew how Bill was when she married him. She should have kept her eye on her man. Shit, if Hillary had been loyal------and on her knees regularly-----Monica's BIG ass never would have gotten near the Presidential Penis.
But still, it's difficult to be loyal, though, when your name has been dragged through the mud. But, even in a breakup,there are proper ways of ending things. Take the enemy,for example: Instead of doing things rationally, they show up crying and out of control. They jack up the car, set your house on fire,and cause a scene in front of the entire neighborhood. And after they've done that, they're so worked up that they can't eat,can't sleep,break out in a fever,and act as if the entire world is about to end because it's all too damn painful. Proving,once again, they're insane. But Not our fat ass's. That's just to much damn hard work. You can break up with us if you want to, but it definetely won't go down at the house. It'll be after we've had you restock our entire kitchen, or at a five-star restaurant,over a four-course meal,AND we'll be taking home three huge to-go platters as a parting gift. Shit, for some, breakups are when we do our best grubbin'--------FOR FREE. Besides, men are just like buses. If you miss one, there's usually another one right around the corner with shinier rims.
But beware of the CHUBBY chaser who loves you PLUMP,then wants to change you. DON'T DO IT. Because BIG and beautiful is not an oxymoron. Plus, I'm happy with my little extra roll, my thick well sculpted legs and my double chin and I will not change them------or my mind------for no man. I will never go get a tummy tuck. The only thing i will be "tucking" is my shirt into my pants. Because if a man asks you to do all this crazy shit, he does not love you for even if you did jump through all the fucking hoops that he wants you the end,after you have made a complete ass of yourself...he still won't love you.
So at this very moment, i want you to ask yourself. "What Is the one word that my best friend would use to describe me? Loyal? Opinionated? Crazy? Smart? Sexy? Cool? Ask them. I am sure you will enjoy seeing how you are perceived through the eyes of another who actually loves and cares about you. Because regardless of your sex,age,shape,sexual preference and color you have a reason for being here in this world. Stay true to yourself first and foremost. If you are at home right now and are anywhere near a full length mirror, I want you to take all of your clothes off, stand in front of that mirror and take a good look at yourself. I want you to view and inspect every damn roll, every damn curve. Love YOURSELF. The next time someone wants to discuss your waist size with you, turn the tables on those Evil Bitches, tell them that you would rather talk about the size of your heart. Because that's bigger than anything you have visible to the human eye.
PEOPLE MAGAZINES Stevie Nicks Pop Quiz. Here,Stevie Candidly Answers Questions regarding Menopause,Retiring The Platform Boots,To
Obsessed With Stevie Nicks? I Am.
You are most definitely obsessed with Stevie Nicks!
She'd either be honored...or very scared of
New Yorks Smoking Ban Has Cost Many New Yorkers Their Jobs. With Business Dropping More Than 50%,Smokers Declare War. Causing Owners To Slash Staff Hours Or Lay Off's.
Stevie Trivia: How The Faces Of Love Have Changed,,,,, I'm Turning The Pages
A friends and I conversation on the phone tonight:
Friend: Did You Know That The Gym I Signed Up For Actually Has THREE Locations?
Me: Did You Know That Pizza Hut Has A New Buffett?
Friend: Well, I Can See Lots Of Hot Men
Me: I Already Got A Man....AND I Can Get My Belly Full
Friend: Bitch
Me: Thanks
I always love hearing from you all.
I was surfing the world wide "web" the other day and found your site and i must say i enjoy reading it very much. I too am a Huge Stevie NIcks and Fleetwood Mac fan. I have never seen them in concert and hope to this summer. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to a fellow writer and Stevie Nicks fanatic.
The Washington DC Fleetwood Mac Show,My expierence.
The atmosphere of the MCI Center was exciting. Everyone talking amongst themselves about past Fleetwood Mac and/or Stevie Nicks Expierences. Some,followers of the band and this tour. Race and ages varied. All having one common thread to that of Stevie Nicks and the rest of The Mac. The reunion has been a long time in the making. The new album finally released. Entering into Billboard's Top 100 at an impressive # 3. A Fourty City Tour schedule all of which are nearly,if not already, Sold Out. The band can now breathe a sigh of relief. The public has once again embraced The Mac. Their fans still die hard and true.
Moments before the show,everyone rushes to their designated spot. Cameras in hand. Gypsy's abound. Women with High Hats,Shawls and Platform Boots all there to show Stevie how much she and her music has meant to them. All secretly hoping that Stevie sees them.....acknowledges them. Stevie Nicks and her music has inspired generations. Mothers, who were young women with the release of RUMOURS, are now hand in hand with their children to SAY YOU WILL. The lights are lowered and screams erupt. The beat of a drum begins. A Bass soon joins. The pulsating rhythm of THE CHAIN echos through the auditorium. When the lights return...there stands Stevie Nicks. Wearing her usual black attire. Bewitching the words "Damn your love----Damn your Lies". Looking absolutely stunning and sexy at 54 years young. Stevie readily admits that before every show she is overcome with stage fright. No one would have ever guessed this tonight.
The band effortlessly moves through songs that captured the 70's, 80's and 90's. Blending in a few tracks from the new album. Stevie attempts to hold back tears as she sings "Children Get Older...And I'm Getting Older Too" from LANDSLIDE. The audience singing every word back to her. Relieved to not hear the twanginess of The Dixie Chicks version. When the band sings DON'T STOP the audience is once again out of their seats. Dancing in the aisles. GO YOUR OWN WAY allows us to see how Stevie and Lindsey are still affected by their past. Written by Lindsey to Stevie many years ago, we catch Stevie cautiously looking over at Lindsey while singing "YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY...YOU CAN CALL IT ANOTHER LONELY DAY".
Mick Fleetwoods always gothic bongo solo,holds the audience in awe. Appearing like a Mad Man who has just escaped from solitary exile. Stevie's raspy voice sings RHIANNON as if it were her last. Diving into the Welsh Witch tune full throttle. Her once famous spins have become slower but her presence and majestic aura still Captivates and Enchants. Her solo hit STAND BACK is a welcomed surprise and Lindsey can be seen watching Stevie as she performs GOLD DUST WOMAN with a satisfied and proud expression/smile displayed upon his face.
The 2 1/2 hour show flew by. I smiled, I cried. I was so pleased to see that Stevie did decide to sing the old fave BEAUTIFUL CHILD from The TUSK release. I have never seen Stevie perform this particular song live. The touching encore of GOODBYE BABY is a moment forever embedded in my mind . After ending the song, Lindsey walked over to Stevie and hugged her. She placed her head on his shoulder. A beautiful moment in time. It did make me wonder if the rumour of what this song was actually written about is infact true. That being the "supposed" abortion that Stevie had during Rumours Fame.. Lindsey's and her child. Who knows.
Seeing Stevie again has made me love her even more...if thats even possible. A princess, a poet,an enchantress. My inspiration. My Muse. If anyone has the chance to see Fleetwood Mac on this tour. Do yourself a favor and go. You will not be disappointed at being attacked by the Mac.
So, which Stevie Nicks Album are you? Take The quiz and find out. The following is my result.
You are Enchanted.
Stevie Trivia: High Priestess She's The Keeper Of The Peace In This...Twice As Much Intensified.
What IS up with Blogger placing these Fat and Lovely Single Banners and FAT Galore picture links onto my blog. "BITCH.... YOU DON'T KNOW ME LIKE THAT!!!! I WILL CUT YOUR ASS!!!" (lol)
I stumbled onto Quizella. I see that they infact have 5 various Stevie Nicks Quizzes. Here Is The first one What Stevie Nicks Song Are You. I am not surprised by my verdict AT ALL. LOL.
You're a tad more angry than the average Stevie
Nicks song. But it's all good, because you rock
many people's worlds.
I will post the Fleetwood Mac show soon. I am currently working on that. In the mean time here are some tips for dining out for us in the "Real Size World". Ladies this one is for you....grab a pen and take some notes.
After Handling The Stress Of A Hectic Work Week, We Need And Deserve An OutLet,A Release,A Way To Let Loose. You're Probably Thinking Have Some Sex,And Burn Some Calories. But, I'm Talking Happy Hours,The Ideal Locale To Chill Out,Eat Well,And Meet Men.
Food Connosisseurs Know That Finding The Perfect Spot Requires Research And Observation. As The Name Indicates,You Should Be Happy When You're There. The Watering Hole Right Next To Your Office May Be Geographically Desirable,But If You Walk In And It's Nothing But Peanuts And Pretzels,Walk Out. You Can't Find Much Happiness Amongst That Shit-------Just More Hunger-----In Those Trifling Truffles.
Venture A Little Farther,Say,To A Jazz Club. Jazz Is Usually Associated With The South,And The South Generally Means One Thing-----Down Home Cooking. Chances Are,When They Put Out The Appetizers,It's Elaborate Offerings Of Rib Tips,Hot Wings,Egg Rolls,Mini-Pizzas,Swedish Meatballs,Cheese,Crackers,Chips,Dips,And Even Shrimp.
And Girls, It Does NOT Hurt To Become Friends With The Bartenders,Or To Know The Cocktail Waitresses On A First Name Basis. If They Know You,You Can Hit Happy Hour At Just The Right Time-----From Begining To End-----AND Luck Up On A Fine Man To Buy Your Whiskey Sours And All The Free Edibles You Can Handle. Trust Me On This One....The Local HOOTERS Waitresses LOVE Me. When I Come In....... They Sit Down At The Table With Me, After Paying For The First PItcher Of Beer The Rest Are Free For Me...AND I Make ALL The Straight Guys Envious As Hell With All The Special Attention I Receive From The Girls. WHY???? Because I Tip Well,,,Could Care Less About Their Breasts Popping Out Of Their Tops And ENJOY Being ME. And When You Are Happy And Confident With Yourself.....Everyone Can See That Glow And Find Themselves Instantly Drawn To It.
Ladies,Also Remember That When Going Out To Dine Or Even For Happy Hour Tote A BIG Enough Purse,And Five-O'Clock Munchies Turn Into Great Midnight Snacks,Too. The Right Hand Bag Makes All The Difference IN The World. For Example,A Clutch Purse Is Usually Small And Narrow,Only Good For Carrot Sticks,Celery,And Maybe A Few Radishes. In Other Words,Leave That Mother Fucker At Home.
For Maximum Meals On The Steal, A Louis Vuitton Backpack,Or Shoulder Bag Is The Perfect Happy Hour Accessory.
Make Sure It Is The Highest-Quality Handbag You Can Buy,And Can Sustain Leakage Like A Champ. Then,You Can Stuff Chicken Wings In One Area,Isolate Meatballs In Another,And Stash Shrimp,Still On Ice,In A Completely Seperate Compartment. BUT You Have Got To Know The Art Of Getting All That Food Into Your Purse Without Drawing Attention To Yourself. Don't Stand Over Chafin Dishes And Stuff It In. That's The Surest Way To Get Asked To Leave. Here Is What You Do.......
You Must Load Up Your Plate,Then Take It Back To Your Table. Make Sure Everything Is Sectioned Off------Cheese On One Side,Chicken Wings On The Other,And Shrimp Arranged Just So. That Way,When You Go To Load It In,You Won't End Up With Cheese In The Same Compartment As Shrimp and Egg Rolls Crowded Next To Quiche. And Here Is A Hint For Meatballs. Have Your Handbag Slightly Ajar So You Can Roll Those Babies In One At A Time,Or If You Find Yourself As Good As I,All In One Fell Swoop. Now,If Your Goal Is More Than Just A Few Pieces,Then A Supply Of Food Storage Bags Is A Must,Too. Whether It's HEFTY Or GLAD,Zipper Or Snap,These Durable Baggies Hold Everything From Fruits And Beets To Snack And Meats,Or,In This Case,Crackers,Dips,And Chips------Leakage And Crumbs Are A No-No. And Lastly,Don't Pass Up The Peanuts And The Pretzels;They Fit Nicely In A Zippered Side Compartment And Just Might Come In Handy On The Ride Home.
And BIG Friends, Go Back As Many Times As You'd Like. After All, They Put The Spread Out For One Reason--------To Get Eaten. There Is No Reason Why All That Good Food Should Go To Waste. That's Why Knowing The Help Comes In Handy. If They Know You, They Will Save You The Good Seats Near The Buffett,Hook You Up With Extra-Strong Apple Martinis,And Stash Plates Of Food Away For You To Take Home. The Next Time You're Out,Observe. If Their Is Happiness In The Air,Chances Are There Are Real Size Patrons Everywhere. And When We Luck Up On The Ideal Spot,Unlike The Skinny Evil Bitches,We Tell Our Friends,So Everyone Can Eat Well. So....Everyone, SEE How Sharing And Loving We F.A.T. (Fabulous And Thick) People Are?
Stevie Trivia: The Years Disappeared....Much Has Gone By Since Then
FINALLY Tomorrow is the day. I will be seeing Stevie Nicks and the rest of Fleetwood Mac LIve and only a few aisles away. I have been trying to keep myself cool,calm and collected these past few weeks. Trying not to get overtly excited for fear that SOMETHING may happen and I not see them.
I spoke with an online buddy of mine last night, who is a total Stevie Nicks Fanatic as well. Grant was lucky enough to see Fleetwood Mac's opening show last night in Ohio. He said that it will be everything i dreamed it would be. Stevie sounded and looked great. Lindsey was so pumped as he was playing mad guitar to "BIG LOVE" he accidently pulled the electric guitar cord out of the amp during the solo ending. The band opened with "THE CHAIN" and ended with Stevie's news song "GOODBYE BABY".
I have been listening to SAY YOU WILL all week. Preparing myself for the show. Mark said that if he has to hear "RUNNING THROUGH THE GARDEN" one more time I will find myself "Running Through The Streets With A Knife Wielding Cuban Closing In Behind Me." He is a freak...what can I say. Did Lucy have to go through this with Desi i wonder?
ATTENTION SMOKERS; Whenever you venture into New York and decide to have a night out at the club. You may want to overlook venturing into The CHEETAH. For, when you enter and check your coat at the door You will also be asked to check your Cigarettes in for $1.00.
Stevie Trivia: Here In The Place That Will Never Be Dark.....I Remember That Place
Stevie Trivia: I Need You Because You Let Me Breathe...Well You've Taken Me Away.
Another REAL SIZE Thought: I think the world is finally changing a bit. Realizing the Real Size is something that needs to be reckoned with. It's a different world and CURVACEOUS cuties are getting plenty of action with the extra pounds they are packing. Did you all know that back in the day, if a man brought a F.A.T. (Fabulous And Thick) friend home to meet his mama, it was sign of success,wealth, and a marriage made of marvelous meals. In some areas of the country,it's still good to show up with a thick one, especially if Mom lives in Alaska AND it's the middle of December. A Mink coat might be marvelous,but underneath that mink,girlfriend better have a pair of FAT feet,FAT arms,and a FAT belly,too,just to walk downtown,or the hawk(for those of you unaware,that's a fierce wind that swooshes down into the valley through the mountains) will snap his or her little ass like an icicle.
And speaking of snapping, get the wrong Skinny Bitch in bed,and depending on the position,you could mess around and puncture a lung,fracture an arm,or knock that Skinny Bitch's little ass against the headboard too hard and find yourself being a murder suspect.
Trust me, a man may drool over a Playboy Playmate OR a PlayGirl Centerfold (dependng on his sexual preference) but , in the heat of a good sex session, he wants to be able to have something to grab ahold to and confidently work his shit. Trust me,"Oohh, your crushing my kidney," or "Stop,you're about to snap a limb in half" is NOT the type of pillow talk he wants to hear, and he never will if he has one of us "Large And In Charge Tigers" between the sheets. The only response he will get is "Boy,stop crying. Just hold on. I got you." That's because when we are the ring master of that circus we are prepared to handle this quest anyway you want to bring it. So, bring a pair of rock climbing boots, a hard hat, and a Bible, because you are going to pray that you make it through. Oh, and don't forget to pack a snack or two,because when i call for a break,it's sandwich time.
A Few post back, i wrote how actor Colin Farrell had recorded a song for a movie that he is set to star in. Well now, it looks as if Mr. Colin (Fine As Fuck) is totally serious about becoming a rock star.
For any of you who have not visited the blog
COYOTES BARK, do so now. I'm not sure if he is single ladies,however, form a line to the left because he is a super nice straight guy and very easy on the eyes. On a personal note thanks for the link Coyote.
Stevie Trivia: I Was Not Ready....I'm No Enchantress And I Was To Proud
What are the studios thinking? They are actually going to have a GREASE 3? God help.
Stevie Trivia: There Are Days When I Swear I Could Fly Like An Eagle............And Dark Desperate Hours That Nobody sees.
Everyone by now has heard of the unfortunate accident regarding auto speed racer Jerry Nadeau. My best friend,Lanie Nadeau is married to Jerry's first cousin,Jim. Who is a total hottie by the way (Are you scared of me NOW Jim? LOL). If you are interested in emailing a get well wish or whatever to Jerry. Email me and I will then forward to them.
I love to Travel. I have been to England on three occassions. Resided in Anchorage,Alaska for almost a year. Drove through the Canadian Alcann from Alaska to Virginia. The thing that bothers me the MOST about traveling is infact, the travel industry. They do NOT make it easy or comfortable for us Real Size Patrons. They figure PUDGY passengers aren't interested in seeing Paris in the spring, jetting off to London for the fall, or laying our BIG ASSES on sandy beaches in the Caribbean during the summer. As far as they are concerned we should just pitch a tent in the back yard or flip onto the Travel Channel. But I am NOT about to sit home just because of that shit. So make way, because whether by plane, train or automobile, my F.A.T. (Fabulous And Thick) ass is coming. This TWINKIE loving (the cup cakes not the "slang" for a young boy admirer), Super Sized Shake is paving his way to Jamaica after Mark's and My Committment Ceremony.
The airlines aren't a Real Size persons best friend----in fact, they treat us more like the enemy. The FIRST hurdle is getting through security. By the time i have paid that man who wears that little "Monkey Hat" at the airport entrance door to wheel my shit in and fighting my way to the ticket counter. I am breathless, and the last thing I, or any F.A.T. person, wants to hear is that our luggage is too BIG to fit through that tiny ass X-ray machine. And most of the time, it is SKINNY EVIL BITCHES who control this contrapment and say "Sorry, it isn't going." My reply..... "oh,yes,it is. I am not leaving here without my shit, which means if I've got to roll up my sleeves,take matters into my own hands,and shove my BIG bag through,and then try to get through myself....IT'S GOING." Then it's "Excuse me,sir,but can you please open your bag?" And that's fine. I'm happy to oblige,but don't inspect my gear and then tell me it's "Too heavy To Make The Flight." Take a look at me. Of course my luggage is HEAVY. I'm HEAVY. Which means I can't just throw in a few things into the suitcase. I've got to roll my BIG clothes,My BIG shoes and of course a few snacks in, and position them just right.
Once we do finally make it past security,wrestle to make it onto the airplane,and find our stretcher of a seat, a BIG person's best bet is to stay put,because any extra movement could be life threatening,or at best dangerous------like going to the rest room. Once you shimmy out of the seat,make it down that narrow aisle without knocking anyone in the head with your hips,and then wait ten minutes to use the TINY toilet,the plane is making its initial descent
Don't EVEN get me started about the food they give you on the plane. How is anyone-------except a Skinny Bitch---------supposed to make it on a six hour flight from Virginia to New York on Two packs of Peanuts and a Coke? And is there some law that says Airlines are required to pass out the saltest damn nuts and Pretzels they can find? After a couple of those,your mouth is as dry as the Sahara Desert,but don't dare ask for an entire can of Coke to wash it down. Those Skinny Evil Bitches will look at you like you stole something. Even if you try to explain to the bitches that you need SOMETHING to drink as you just now had to take an EXTRA Diuretic (Fluid pill) because of their damn salty snack, to pull the rapidly accumulating sodium induced fluid, away from your heart,lungs and legs so you won't DIE OR EXPAND causing even less elbow and foot room than you had to begin with.
The quiz i took yesterday to determine what type of guy I am attracted to is still embedded in my mind. I had no idea who Orlando Bloom even was until after it was announced that he was "the type". He does look as sweet as buttered corn though i will have to admit. But, the reason this "Quiz" plays over in my mind is because this Orlando Bloom reminds me so much of one of my Ex's. Stephen Obser. I spoke about Stephen a few posts back and actually was able to spend a weekend with him recently when Stephen came to visit and stayed with Mark and I. He was still handsome as ever.
When Stephen and I were together it was during the point in my life when i was a full blown addict. Stephen tried his hardest to help me but there was no helping me then. I was caught in the thrill of it all. The high's,where my next fix was going to come from etc etc. The unfortunate part of it all was when the day came and he finally gave me an ultimatum. HIm or drugs. This all came about due to Stephen having to retrieve Myself and my then drug friend "Christine" from a drug locale. I had been gone for 4 days or so without so much as a word to him on where i had disappeared to. Until, i emerged pennie less and no way to get back to him. I had spent the rent money. Everything.
That night after he came to get me. He sat down with me and told me how much he loved and cared for me. He would pay whatever it would cost to get me clean so that we could continue. I wasn't ready then. As I said,Stephen gave me an ultimatum. Get clean and be with him or we would have to split. I said "Good bye" to him the next day. I left him behind. I was simply not ready and willing to get clean. Looking back now, I said some very hurtful things to him when i left. Things that weren't true. All excuses so I could still get my fix and hope that by hurting him so terribly that he would want to forget me. I hoped he could move on and find someone to give him what he deserved. Unconditional Love and Affection.
Stephen was my first and real true love. He is a wonderful man that i still care about very deeply. That someone from your past that you know if called and needed anything you would give it to them. if you didnt have would find a way. Today is Stephens birthday.So Happy Birthday Stephen..i will always love you and you will always have a special place in my heart. The memories we shared were not all great because of me and I am sorry for having had put you through them. I wish you so much happiness, so much love. I wish for you the world. Here is a picture of the birthday guy. You are still sexy Mr. Man.
Stevie Trivia: Part Of Me Used To Love You...Part Of Me Still Does
Today on the MSN Homepage there is an excellent interview with Matt Lauer (SIGH) and Madonna.
HERE Madonna speaks candidly about Married life with Sexy Brit Hubby Guy Ritchie,Motherhood,Being an Icon,Why she chose to guest star on WILL & GRACE and how she views HERSELF as an actress. This is a must read folks.
I Took This Quiz To See What Type Of Guy I Fall For. Rather Accurate.
Orlando Bloom: you like them dead sexy, with an
orgasmic accent and looks. *drool*
Stevie Trivia: And As Her World Turns...She Feels Old....So Alone
I forgot to mention recently that I have began a night course in writing. Judging my blog from when i first started and up to present i think my writting has improved. I have to pay attention in this class as the instructor is a female and not male. So there would be no chance of just performing some "EXTRA CREDIT" tasks to get a passing grade. WHAT????? Like none of you Hookers ever thought about doing that shit.
Since posting the entry in regards to "Brian" and his chicklette girlfriend. I Thought maybe instead of automatically calling her an evil 9 on Skinny Bitch O' Meter. I should Have gave the girl some sound advice on how to pack on those pounds she claimed she "Desperately" wanted. Let her in on a few "Real Size Eating Tips". I can guarentee that if she spent a week with me. I could fatten her up & give her what Lionel Ritchie referred to as a "BrickHouse". I will be the first to admit that it is not easy maintaining a Real Size Figure. Its Hard Work. AND it is JUST as grueling as "Sweating To The Oldies" or doing that Kung Fo Taebo Break a hip shit. Its a science. Its a known fact that a man wants something that he can hold onto. He dont want to be laying ontop of someone feeling a rib poking him in the damn chest. He wants to be able to handle his shit. So here is Lesson # 1.
Eating/Dining out is a practice that the Real Size group has perfected. Its a happening event in the lives of BIG people. So much so that we already know what we want and the number it is on the menu. Pull up to a McDonalds drive thru and it's "Gimme the number one, and supersize it." Everyone knows that's a Big Mac Combo (well Real Size patrons anyway). So why do skinny bitches act like they're seeing the menu for the first time? And after they have studied the shit for ten minutes come up with a McSalad Shaker and a McSoup Combo? Who knew---or even cared---that Mickey D's made soup? In These days and times it is easier than ever to eat on the run. So, i do my share by supporting the American Economy. Thats why food connoisseurs ( have no idea if thats spelled correctly) master the art of ordering like a science. A Quarter Pounder W/ Cheese and a fistful of fries, now that's some eat while you drive food for your ass. So is that chicken from POPEYES or BOJANGLES, just grab a chicken drumstick and go. Drumsticks are the only food with handles. So, see, when dining on the dash, you cant grip a McSalad or slurp some fuckin' McSoup.
Ok. Who Was The Sick Bitch Super Searching CARNIE WILSON NUDE And Was Led To My Site. You Are Just N-A-S-T-Y!!!! I Love Her Music And Voice But I Didn't Say Nothing In My Posts About Having Seen Her Nude OR Wanting To. Maybe Luke Wilson. But Not Carnie Wilson
A Few Posts Ago, I Spoke About Skinny Evil Bitches. They Exist. They Walk Amongst Us. Most Of Them Attempt To Befriend You. So Self Assured In The Fact That While Out Together All The Men Will Look At And Notice Them. Not The "Big GIRL" Or "Big Boy" Sitting Next To Them.
Skinny Evil Bitches Think They Have The World At Their Feet, While The Rest Of Us, Supposedly, Have A BBQ Spare Rib Clutched Tightly In Our Paws. But Here Is News For You Skinny Evil Bitches......You Have NOT Had Me In The Game As Competition. That's Right. You Have Not Had ME Sitting Next To YOU While Attempting To Vie For A Guys Affection. See, I Know How To Play Your Game.....AND I have As Of Yet...LOST Out To Any Guy Who I have Set My Focus On. Call It Self Centeredness If You Like..And Why The Hell Should I NOT Tell YOU. Skinny Evil Bitches Will Be QUICK To Tell A Bigger Person All THEIR Conquests. They Will Flaunt Whatever In Your Face...AND Assume That As Their "Friend" You Will Listen And Be Happy For Them. My response... "Fuck That Shit. Just Becasue I Am Real Size Do NOT Think For One Minute That I Am Not A Competitor In Your Game. Because You WILL Get Your Feelings Hurt.
My Sister Who Is In The Airforce Was Stationed In England A Few Years Ago. I Went to Visit Her. While There She Informed Me That There Was This Great Looking Guy Who Lived Just Down Stairs In The Dormatory. She Said He Was Nice As Can Be,Easy On The Eyes And His Name was "Brian". He Had Asked Her Out A Few Times. She Declined. I Asked Her Why And Her Response. "I Think He Has Tendencies". I Told Her To Give Me Five Minutes Alone With HIm And I Could Tell. There Was A Party That Night That We All Were Going To. So She Invited Him To Go. He Jumped At The Chance. Later That Evening, "Brian" Came Up Stairs. My Sister Had Slipped Out To The BX. When I Opened The Door To Let Him In. I Could NOT Believe My Eyes. he Was Totally HOT. Had This Cute Northern Accent And When He Walked BY Me To Sit Down I Could Not Help But To Notice His Cute Ass.
As I Was Getting Ready For The Party "Brian" and I Started Conversing. It Led Into Him Telling Me That My Sister Had Told Him I was Gay. He Told Me That He Was Straight But Had Nothing Against Gay Guys. In Fact, They Were Rather Cool. His Personal Feeling Was That It Was The Ultimate Compliment If Someone From The Same Sex Told You That You Were Hot. So He Hoped That I Didn't Mind If He said That He Thought For "A Guy" I Was Hot. I Remember Exactly What I Was Thinking When He Said This To Me. I Instantly Knew That I Could SOO Have This Guy If I Wanted Him. Not From The Compliment He Bestowed. But From The Way He Looked At Me There Wrapped In Nothing But A Towel.
That Night While At The Party, "Brian" Invited Me To Come Down To His Room And Hang Out. Watch Movies And Chill. That One Night Lasted 2 Weeks. My Sister Laughs Everytime We Talk About This. I Gave Her The Entire Scoop. That He DID Have "Tendencies", His Ding-A-Ling was UNcut, and He could Go Like The Energizer Bunny. I Still Talk With "Brian" To This Day. A Great Guy. Has Been Stationed Close By Here IN The Military District Of Virginia......WITH His New Girlfreind. I Grin All The Way Up In That Skinny Evil Bitches Mouth. The Last Time I saw Them Both Was When My Sister Was Home Visiting About 3 Months Ago. She Didn't Care For The "Girl Friend" Either. Her Main Topic Of Discussion Was How She Just "Try's And Try's To Gain Weight...But Just Can't. Everyone Tells Her That She Is Too Skinny And It Hurts Her Feelings Sometimes". Needless To Say With That Line Spoken I Clocked Her In At A Solid 9 On My Skinny Evil Bitch O' Meter. "Brian" Thought It To Be So Cute. Personally, I Thought She Worked For The Devil